I have a few new links to share with you.
Jennette Fulda, author of Chocolate & Vicodin, posted a lovely review of In the Kingdom of the Sick. It’s always nice to hear feedback from someone who lives in the kingdom, too.
I took a break from writing about health and science and my newest post over at WBUR’s Cognoscenti is all about education in the digital age.
Lastly, I had the chance to read Whole, Dr. T Colin Campbell’s new book, and interviewed him about the whole food, plant-based diet and disease prevention for WBUR’s Commonhealth. Prevention is incredibly important, but does placing so much emphasis on nutrition as the cause and cure for much of what ails us place unrealistic expectations on those with genetic and/or autoimmune conditions? See what Dr. Campbell has to say, and share your comments or experiences with the WFPB diet over there.
Have a great weekend!