Here at last!

I’m a little behind on this post, but I wanted to let you know that our baby girl arrived a few days ago, healthy and safe. She is doing great!

Fittingly, the labor/delivery was as complicated and challenging as the pregnancy, but it all worked out in the end and we’re home and doing really well. I’ll write a more thorough post sometime soon, but I did want to thank everyone for your ongoing support and encouragement during this pregnancy. Each comment, message, and e-mail along the way has meant a lot to us.

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24 thoughts on “Here at last!

  1. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments!! We both truly appreciate all the happiness and enthusiasm.

    I’m starting to get my bearings here so hope to have a real post about all of this sometime soon.

  2. Laurie,

    Congratulations! Please take your time with blogging. The best advice I’ve ever heard is to “sleep when the baby sleeps”. Try to get some rest. 🙂


  3. Congratulations Laurie! I remember commenting to you when I was pregnant,and worried about my little girl, and now you have one beautiful girl of your own. Enjoy every minute, and use the help that people give you. Your body needs to be babied a little after all of this too. Good Luck!

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