Call for Submissions: Grand Rounds Vol. 4 No. 50

I’m looking forward to hosting next week’s Grand Rounds here on A Chronic Dose. Since it comes on the heels of Labor Day and my colleagues and I will soon head back to our writing classrooms, I have decided on a (loose) theme:

Education. I’m interested in hearing about moments where you’ve really learned a lesson and who you learned it from, whether it took place in a traditional classroom, in a hospital, with a friend or loved one, a patient, etc. (Or, if you were the one imparting knowledge or experience.) Education can take so many forms and have so many “instructors,” if you will, that it’s pretty open-ended, and I’ll consider all submissions.

The deadline is 11 pm Sunday night, August 31st. Please send the post URL, blog URL, and a short summary of the post to Thanks so much!

And don’t forget to check out this week’s Rounds over at Rural Doctoring-it’s an English major’s delight!

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3 thoughts on “Call for Submissions: Grand Rounds Vol. 4 No. 50

  1. Hi Laurie. This is Alex from The Yale Doc. I have a few paragraphs about my learning experiences with an English professor. I don’t want to post them on my blog because they are not related to medical school, but I can e-mail you the text or enter it as a comment to this post. I thought you’d be interested in reading them because you teach writing.

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